Hitzeman Photography

Seeing and Sharing Beauty

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Masterclass :: Perfecting Your Timing

Assignment: Pet Portrait

“Obtain a telling portrait of a pet animal to convey its character, charm, or features.  If possible, work with an animal that is lively and has an expressive face.  Aim to capture more than the expression or gesture — remember that the composition and lighting should be attractive too.”

— from Digital Photography Masterclass by Tom Ang


Prada is the name of this pug dog, an energetic, curious, and eventually friendly female.  I did a lot of crawling around on the floor trying to get the shot, but Prada kept coming over and nuzzling against my thigh.  I think she likes me.  I shot this image of her in outdoor light on an overcast day.  I placed her on a table so I could get more on her level, and not be pointing the camera down on her.  And this kept her from wandering around.  Her owner, my daughter Lauren, helped to draw her attention towards the camera.  She seems to be cocking her head, pondering why on earth was I putting her up on this table and pointing this black thing at her?

Prada Pondering


  • Animals move quickly, and many shots will be blurred unless you use a fast shutter speed and wide aperture.  Skip the auto-focus if possible.  Shots are quicker without it.  My best shots were when Prada was still.
  • Avoid wide open mouth shots of the dog, they look pretty sloppy.
  • The best shots are of the dog looking into the camera.  We want to see her face and eyes.  I read a tip that if you keep a little piece of crinkly cellophane in your hand, and keep your hand near the lens, the animal will look toward it quizzically.

Masterclass :: Mastering Composition

Assignment: Composition on Location

“Imagine that a magazine or website has asked you to illustrate a feature on the techniques of composition and choose a famous landmark as you main subject.  Use every trick in the book to produce an unusual interpretation of a well-known local feature.”

— from Digital Photography Masterclass by Tom Ang


This was fun. I try to “use every trick in the book to produce an unusual interpretation” on all my shoots.  Or should I say, I look around and try to capture something beautiful on all my shoots.

The tricks are not all in a book, though.  I believe they come more from inspiration.

Choosing a single famous landmark for Chicago was something I tried to do and could not.  Sears (now Willis) Tower, the Hancock Building, Navy Pier, Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, boats, lake sunrises, and on and on.  What’s your favorite Chicago landmark?  What says CHICAGO to me is the Chicago skyline, and I was able to capture it in pre-dawn light, lit by its own city lights glow.

“Chicago North Panorama”, (C) Harry Hitzeman

See this panorama in full screen slide show mode at my Chicago Set on flickr, as well as images from Navy Pier, Ohio Street Beach, North Avenue Beach, and Millennium Park.

Building Bloom Vertical

“Building Bloom Vertical”, Smurfit-Stone Building, 150 North Michigan Avenue, from Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois

Death Valley

Death Valley National Park surprised me with countless textures and shapes and colors of rock and mud and clay and stone. I wanted to stop the van every few miles and capture images. And there were vast open spaces, no cars or roads or telephone poles or power lines to litter the eye. Not even trees to block the sight line to the bases of mountains rising up in a snowy patchwork.

Even the weather surprised me with its variety – snow (in the upper elevations), some rain with standing pools of water turning the dust red, surrounding dried-out sage brush. Imagine photographing steam rising from the clay furrows at Zabriskie Point! And there were just enough mostly scattered clouds to give color and texture to the sky.

What Death Valley National Park shows me are the phases of an ongoing geological process that’s over 5,000,000 years old. Pretty long time. 70,000 lifetimes or so. I’m glad I had a chance to see it in this one.

Death Valley National Park has the widest variation in geological forms and colors I have ever seen.  This image shows the Mesquite Sand Dunes like waves of gold stretching below the Grapevine Mountain Range.

Waving Gold

Mesquite Sand Sunes, Death Valley National Park, California

This trip also included a drive to Lone Pine, California, in the foot hills of the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains.  They’re called the Alabama Hills — unusual and beautiful rock formations and a few arches.  In the early days of movies, westerns were filmed in this site because of its scenic rock formations and nearness to a local town.

“Sierra Gold Sunrise”, Lone Pine Peak, Sierra Nevada Range, California

Zabriskie Point is a part of the Amargosa Range in Death Valley National Park.  Its erosional  landscape is composed of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake, which dried up 5 million years ago.  The site was named after Christian Brevoort Zabriskie, vice-president and general manager of the Pacific Coast Borax Company in the early 20th century. The company’s famous, iconic twenty-mule teams transported borax from its mining operations in Death Valley.

Melting Mountain

Manley Peak, view from Zabriskie Point, Death Valley National Park, California

Masterclass :: Obtaining Ideal Color

Assignment: City Streets

“Working in an urban area where there are plenty of people present, try to capture the busy scene in a balanced, well-composed image.  You can either record a general view, or get in close to take a more intimate shot.  Take advantage of colors and shapes when composing and organizing the shot.”

— from Digital Photography Masterclass by Tom Ang


This assignment was about looking for ways to compose with color and shape in an urban area with people present.  The famous Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago’s Millennium Park is always surrounded by people.  This image uses a clear blue sky to define the three spikes of buildings poking upwards like asparagus, with a huge silver melon of a sculpture stealing the show in the foreground.

Man’s Vegetable Garden.


What are we busy about?

“It is not enough to be busy.  So are the ants.  The question is: What are we busy about?”

— Henry David Thoreau

This past week has been very busy.

Sunday I worked on getting 3 images ready to submit in the April competition of the Mayslake Nature Study and Photography Club.

Monday I attended the club competition meeting and took notes on the judges’ comments on my entries as well as a friend’s, whom I had encouraged to join and also to submit photos.  He won an Honorable Mention, and I won an award for the image below titled “Lake Powell Sunset”.

“Lake Powell Sunset”, near Page, Arizona,

One of the other images I submitted that I really like (and so did Hank Erdmann, one of the judges) is below, titled “Owens Lake”.  This scene impressed me with the patience of the sage brush plants in waiting for rain water to make it over the Sierra Nevada mountains.  I like the pastel foreground and sky, split by the sharp detail of the snow in the peaks.

“Owens Lake”, near Lone Pine, California,

Wednesday I studied the amazing moving images created for The Clash of the Titans (I’ll spare you my  Kraken jokes!).

Thursday I completed building 4 DIY Plamps to hold plants steady in the field when I’m photographing them.

Friday I attended Photoshop for Digital Photographers, a live day-long workshop presented by Scott Kelby, and also enrolled in a two-year membership to the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP).  I learned a lot of stuff I didn’t know that I didn’t know, and will be studying more over this year (and beyond).  Whereas 2009 was the Year of Learning How to Capture the Image Data, 2010 will be the Year of Learning How to Enhance the  Image Data.  (Ansel, we’re not in Kansas anymore!)  I also learned that my friend Jen bought herself a new camera for her birthday because she was inspired by how much FUN I was having!

Saturday I went on an outing with 8 other photography club members to the Morton Arboretum here in Dupage County, getting down in the mud to shoot wildflowers.

And today, Sunday, I installed my new Dell 24-inch monitor, which shows great color, much better than my old one.

Whew!! Sometimes I can feel a tad overwhelmed with so much to learn, so much equipment to buy, so many years of work to go to get as good as I want to be.  But that’s just a thought that doesn’t feel good, and wears me down.  To get back to a state of calm, measured excitement, I like to remember these closing words from Desiderata:

You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.  And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him [or Her or It] to be.  And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.  Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

— Desiderata

So. Go ahead. Gaze at the stars.  Hug a tree. Create and appreciate beauty.

And … be happy!

Trout Lily

“Spring Wildflower”, Morton Arboretum, Illinois

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