Hitzeman Photography

Seeing and Sharing Beauty

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I Am Here!

Lake Louise Sunrise
Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Canadian Rockies

Well, Hi there! It’s ME! I am HERE!

Yes, it has been a while since my last post in April 2023.

Every year, I declare I am setting a new habit of sending out a post per week. But my posting average over 9 years—that’s since 2015 when I retired and should have had loads of time for this—has been one post every 24 months.

I see now that this is because my inner critic’s voice was busy twisting my beliefs and telling me, “Harry! You don’t believe in competition in art! Furthermore, you haven’t been traveling to any mountains lately! Are your photographs even good enough for anyone to want to see?”

So, what is motivating me now to get back in the saddle again and send posts of my writing and photographs? It is not competition. It is expressing my gift of seeing and sharing the beauty that I capture from the world.

This excerpt from Mark Nepo’s “The Book of Awakening”, passage for December 31, opened my eyes to see my inner critic was full of sh*t!

Look for me to be here again next Friday, and I’ll look for your comments so “I Can See You!”

May You Thrive in Twenty-Five!

Accept Your Gladness

We must risk delight.

We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world.

Jack Gilbert

I have experienced delight in seeing the beautiful natural landscapes of the North American continent. I do have the stubbornness to accept this gladness, and hope for the best in mankind to be able to diminish the ruthless furnace we have been making of this world.

The Beauty of an Ukranian Church

SVOC Colors & Curves
SVOC Colors & Curves

Saints Volodymyr and Olha Church is a beautiful church in Chicago’s Ukranian Village.  Photographing from the choir loft, I was able to create unique compositions such as this one. It captures the dramatic curve of the choir loft railing and still includes the beautiful view of the church windows, arches, and a huge radiant chandelier.

This church is an architectural symbol of the artistry and religious devotion of the Ukranian people. Let us pray for all those suffering in Ukraine.

You can also view these photos in my flickr album.

A Concert of Color

During 2021, I took three short road trips to satisfy my longing to get out and go somewhere “NEW”.  This photo was taken on October 5 in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, near the Michigan Iron Industry Museum.

This day was one of the most beautiful days of my life, a quiet day, but looking at this image now, it is a bombastic concert of color. The red and orange are like large, deep instruments, tubas and kettle drums, in the back of the orchestra, while the yellows are like violins, playing their staccato notes across the front.

It was a beautiful, melodic performance, conducted for little old me! What a joyful blessing walking the earth that day!

A Concert of Color

Manifesting the Lighthouse in My Mind

In 2020, amid a pandemic, I intended to get good at Photoshop.  

Because I was not travelling to any destinations that  I love photographing, learning Photoshop seemed like a good way to wile away the weeks that turned into months, hoping to greatly improve some of my old photographs. 

So, we’re here now, still not travelling for over a year, and this is my first “Photoshopped” project for a landscape image.

The Lighthouse in My Mind

Browsing through my inventory, I found this image I captured of Wind Point Lighthouse  in August 2019, on a trip through Racine, Wisconsin with my Grand Nephew Gavin. The day was cloudy white, I almost couldn’t tell the difference between the white lighthouse and the white sky, but I took the image anyway, and now on my monitor it spoke to me saying “Help Me!” 

To the rescue — Photoshop’s new Sky Replacement tool! It made it much easier for me to put in a colorful sunset.  Other basic operations with brushes and masks and color overlays helped me to: 

  • add a shadow to make the lighthouse cylindrical shape appear
  • put a red  light in the tower
  • add a pinkish glow to the foreground.

It was still slow going for me. I knew what look I was trying to get, but I was pretty wobbly in knowing which tools to use and how to use them.  Photoshop enables one to do a lot with certain key combinations for actions that aren’t in the menus.  I try to keep a good set of notes about these, but because of my infrequent use in the past, I struggled to find the right set of keys to do what I wanted. 

Practice, Harry.  Practice!

Do you have any “pandemic” projects you’ve been working on? Let me know in the comments below.

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