Seeing and Sharing Beauty

Experiencing the Rapture of Being Alive

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.

Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth

What life experiences make you feel the rapture of being alive?

The Oxford Dictionary defines rapture as a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.

When the Chicago White Sox won the World Series in 2005, and my son and grandson were together watching it on television, I have to say we felt tremendous joy, even rapture!

When I’m listening to rock’n’roll music coming into my head from my earphones and I’m moving my body to the beat of AC/DC during my morning workouts at the gym, my life experience on the purely physical plane resonates with my own innermost being and reality…and I feel the rapture of being alive!

When I hear a good stand-up comedian on a roll, when I can create and speak a situational comedy joke during a tense life situation that brings the laughter and joy to my current group … I feel the rapture of being alive!

And let’s not forget the pleasure of FOOD! Sausage and mushroom pizza! I can fill the page with my favorite foods, and you probably can too! These are all life experiences on the purely physical plane. When I am tasting delicious food … I feel the rapture of being alive!

When I am in intimate connection with someone I love, especially my beloved wife Marti Beddoe, I feel the rapture of being alive.

My post on Accepting Your Gladness references this quote by Jack Gilbert

We must risk delight. We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world. “

— Jack Gilbert

I aspire to amplify my attention and accept my gladness. I will seek those experiences of being alive that physically resonate with my own innermost being and reality.

Doing all this with gratitude for being human and alive.


  1. Jay Stark-Dykema

    Harry, I love the phrase, “the rapture of being alive.” This post resonates with me. – Jay

  2. glendagoodrich

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder that life is for living!!

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