Seeing and Sharing Beauty

Hand of God

Hand of God

Hand of God

Still under the spell of the Land of Enchantment — New Mexico — near Ghost Ranch.  Here is my image titled “Hand of God”, taken of a mesa named Pack’s Point during an evening thunderstorm.

Normally, it is a “no-no” for the photographer’s shadow to show in a picture but, hey, I need to keep doing my shadow-work!  The sun at my back, I consider the hand of God made that mesa, and even helped me get up there to get the shot.  Talk about an enchanting evening!


  1. Denise Lord

    Shadow, shmadow, it’s stunning, like all of them.

  2. Lowell

    Great shot Harry!

  3. robbie

    Wow! Harry, thank you deeply for you sharing the photo and your title of it. The gift of tears is streaming down my cheeks as I view your art work. The storm and the sun! What polarity and balance of both in the same sky! And yes, the double rainbows are just like the pueblo folks have seen and drawn them for centuries. Amazing grace. I look forward to seeing more and know that this one is enough! I celebrate your trip and your heart’s healing journey to arrive at the spot to take the photos!
    Love and Light, Robbie

  4. Sherrie


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