Seeing and Sharing Beauty

Saints Volodymyr and Olha Church

SVOC Colors & Curves

SVOC Colors & Curves

Saints Volodymyr and Olha Church is a beautiful church in Chicago’s Ukranian Village.  I was allowed to photograph from the choir loft.  I wanted to create a composition that would capture the dramatic curve of the choir loft railing and still include the beautiful view of the church windows, arches, and a huge radiant chandelier.

This image was developed using HDR software in order to balance the bright light of the stained glass windows and the darker church interior.

You can view more photos of this impressive church in my flickr album for this church.


  1. danilew

    Ohmygoodness, that’s a beautiful church! You really captured it well, Harry.

  2. Mary Hitzeman

    Beautiful photos, Harry! Brilliant use of colors!

    • Hitzeman Photography

      Thanks, Mary. I’ve photographed 3 churches now and each one is unique. They are like humankind’s offering of a giant architectural flower up to God. I’m sure I will be shooting more of them in the future. And it’s quite a symbol that I shot this on my BIRTHDAY!

  3. Lowell

    Hi Harry!
    Hows my speical cousin!?
    Mr talented with the camera man!
    Good job on the church. I am sure that you took a whole bunch of shots. Lovely church!
    thanks for keeping me in the loop my cousin.
    Cousin Lowell

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