Seeing and Sharing Beauty

Archives: Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Norine DeSilva

Thank you Harry!!! I finally understood how to shoot in Manual!! You set your ISO first, and then use your dial for shutter and aperture!! I went home and practiced shooting, adjusting things for the ever-changing light. I knew lighting and composition were important, but I never thought about the 2 people viewing the shot, like you mentioned. I will just have to practice, practice, practice in something I love to do!!

Kelly O’Leary Wiedeman

Kelly Oleary WeidemanI second Jen Velderman’s comments. It was also rewarding for me to actually take nice photos with the Manual mode. Thank you again.

George Mayers

George MayersI had a great time at the photo workshop. The Conservatory was really very nice, and I had no idea it had such a good presentation. I enjoyed meeting all of you.

Ann Stieh

Ann StiehThanks for a great class yesterday – I learned so much! I am very new to photography and have a lot to learn but after yesterday’s class I now know how to start taking some great pictures. I mainly took the class thinking that you would teach me how to take good pictures but didn’t fully understand how you would do so. By explaining how composition is so important it really hit home. You can have a great idea of what you want to take a picture of but if you don’t set it up correctly you will just end up with a mediocre shot. I looked at your website and your pictures are absolutely amazing!

Diane Bronowski

Diane BronowskiThank you again for such a great class! My sister and I enjoyed ourselves and we really learned a lot! I really have not shot in manual mode before, but you helped me to step outside of my comfort zone. Again, thank you for the tips you gave us. Thank you for your time and patience.

Jen Velderman

Jen VeldermanThank you for your instruction on Saturday, Harry! I have a better idea now of what I don’t know. The workshop confirmed my desire and passion for photography, not just taking a pretty picture. I learned the importance of taking time to look for the shot and being cognizant of taking a photo that conveys a message to the viewer (which is MUCH more challenging than I first thought!)

Veronica Frausto

Veronica FraustoI had a lovely time with everyone and was filled with excitement after our class. This was my first composition class and let me tell you it was addicting. I experienced something new that made my heart rapidly race with joy and love. I am really new at photography and learned how to actually take real pictures. I really wish that Harry was around the corner and we could just spend as much time together as possible I would learn a lot 🙂 Thank you for the memories and hope to have many more.