Seeing and Sharing Beauty

You Are There

I would be so happy to see you there!

There will be refreshments, admission is free, and there will be a MAPS Meeting presentation at approximately 7:30 by Jim Schulz – “Creating Animal Portraits”.  Jim is the staff photographer of Brookfield Zoo.  He will share what he has learned in 3 decades of animal photography.


  1. Gloria Newell

    Hi Harry, photo is beautiful. Debbie Hitzeman & I celebrated New Years Eve together, lots of fun. Gloria

    • Hitzeman Photography

      Hey! Happy New Year to you guys! I miss you both.

  2. Ryan Chin

    Awesome Uncle Harry!

    • Hitzeman Photography

      Thanks, Ryan! Give me a holler the next time you are in town!

  3. Andy Kover

    Congratulations on your new show. Sorry I cannot attend but hope you’ll have some way for your friends tobsee your new work. All the best and a happy and healthy new year yo you and your loved ones. Andy

    • Hitzeman Photography

      Hi Andy, thanks, and I will be sending out a new post next week to do that.

  4. patty wier

    Hi Uncle Harry,

    Another gorgeous presentation of God’s glorious world! Your pictures always make me want to travel to see, in person, these beautiful scenes of nature.

  5. Christina Baldwin

    Waaaw–not near Chicago! I love your imagery so much, it does take me there. And I marvel at the marvelous in your eye on things: you capture beauty. Keep on.

    • Hitzeman Photography

      Thanks Christina! I will post again after the show to show some of the art I showed at the show. 🙂

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