Seeing and Sharing Beauty

Category: Announcements (Page 1 of 3)

2019 Capturing Nature Exhibit

Hello Everyone!

I’m excited to announce this exhibit of the Morton Arboretum Photographic Society. Over 30 photographic artists are represented, and 90 works are displayed, most of which are for sale (30% of the Sale price is donated to the Bloomingdale Park District Museum). Three of my works are in the exhibit, 24″ x 36″ gallery-mount canvas prints.

I’ll be at the opening reception September 22, 2 pm – 5 pm. It would be great to see your there!


Morton Arboretum Photographic Society

Presents the

2019 Capturing Nature Photography Exhibit


Bloomingdale Park District Museum
108 South Bloomingdale Road
Bloomingdale, IL 60108 [map]


EXHIBIT: September 14 to October 12, Hours Wed. 4-8 pm, Th 12-4 pm, Sat 9-12 pm
OPENING RECEPTION: September 22, 2 pm to 5 pm

Photo Credit: Dulcey Lima, David Schooley, Bill Dixon

You Are There (for Those Who Weren’t)

My “You Are There” exhibit at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois was so much fun, to see family and friends who live locally, and to show 23 prints of my art and a fast-paced 6-minute video of my most dramatic images.

Now, for those of you who were not there, here’s 15 images you missed!

Water Color

“Water Color”, Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, OR, June 28, 2010

My wife Marti made me take this picture. I was sleep-deprived, discouraged, and defeated by the cloud cover of the previous 36 hours. I really deserved a nap. “If you take a nap now, you’ll miss what you came here for, honey.” God bless her!

Warm Creek Gold

Warm Creek Gold
Warm Creek Gold, Lake Powell, UT, August 15, 2011

My Cub Scout uniform had colors of blue and gold.  In scouting I learned to love the freedom and beauty of the outdoors.  Now in this new age of digital photography, I get outdoors early for serenity, solitude, and to capture some stunning sunlit beauty.

Jay Pritzker Pavilion

Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Millennium Park, Chicago, IL, February 18, 2012

Architect Frank Gehry’s design glows under colored lights and a trellis supporting speakers over the Great Lawn – a giant shiny ornament, a surprising sight during a Chicago February, while nature sleeps in the cold and dark, preparing for Spring.

Majesty Doubled

Majesty Doubled, Owen’s Valley, near Bishop, CA, October 29, 2013

I usually look up to see mountains. Looking down and also seeing them mirrored at my feet took my breath away.  You can learn more about this location in my blog post Majesty Doubled.

Tufa Transition

Mono Lake Tufa Transition
Tufa Transition, Mono Lake, Lee Vining, CA, October 30, 2013

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Reinhold Niebuhr

Chicago Riverwalk

Chicago Riverwalk, Chicago, IL, June 26, 2015

Many architectural details adorn the Chicago Riverwalk.  A soaking rain lets their surfaces gleam and sparkle under an electric rainbow.  Reflections dance on the water to amplify the gaiety.  (Bring a tripod, a poncho or umbrella, and a friend.)

LaSalle Street Lights

LaSalle Street Lights, Chicago, IL, June 26, 2015

The city at night needs neither sun nor clouds – it makes its own light.  These unlit street lights form a parade of silhouetted posts, marching to the golden grain face of the Board of Trade Building.  A little rain is the frosting on this golden cake!

A Band of Light

A Band of Light
A Band of Light, East Beckwith Mountain, Crested Butte, CO, September 30, 2015

Our timing was perfect – the yellowest aspens I had ever seen! And the clouds were a photographer’s best friend, letting a little sliver of sun shine through.  The beavers were still sleeping and missed this sight.

Aspen Stepping Stones
Aspen Stepping Stones, Maroon Bells, Snowmass, CO, October 1, 2015

I love capturing mountains and fall color reflected in water.  This string of stones was a welcoming path into nature’s Fall Fantasy Land!

Mossy Little River

Mossy Little River
Mossy Little River, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, October 27, 2015

Moss means no direct sunlight. But the golden reflected sunlight bouncing from a canyon wall signaled me to trek down the side of this river bank to capture the glow seen by these mossy rocks.

Little River Light

Little River Sunrise
Little River Light, Great Smoky Mountains NP, October 30, 2015

“It’s all about the light!” AND the shapes AND the colors AND the perspective AND the time of year AND getting out of bed AND … the eyes and persistence to see what you might have driven past!

Beaver Marsh Dawn

Dawn at Beaver Marsh
Beaver Marsh Dawn, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, OH,

This calm scene was truly worth getting up early for!  Hints of color of the sunrise to come, a lone twiggy tree stretching across the beaver pond to meet the lily pads, the fog creeping in the horizon – all combine here to calm my frenzied urge to get the shot!

Saturday Night Pacific

Saturday Night Pacific, Cape Perpetua, Yachats, OR

On this Oregon Coast trip, 55 MPH winds and rain kept me in my car photographing seagulls who had hunkered down in the grass. But if you wait long enough, the day will come when the seagulls fly, the light is perfect, and all the scenes are above average.

Wabash Avenue Magic

Wabash Avenue Magic, Wabash Avenue Bridge, Chicago, IL, September 13, 2018

I once visited Disneyland and was awed by the Parade of Lights – magical floats covered in thousands of tiny lights.  Now, seeing the City at Night, I light up with an even bigger Magical Feeling than that 27-year-old father felt back then.

Under the Bridge R&B

Under the Bridge R&B, State Street Bridge, Chicago, IL October 30, 2013

I played with Red and Blue for this image.  The bridge and I were born in 1949, and we’ll be 70 years old in 2019.  Google does not know how many rivets it holds, nor do we know how many breaths are left for each of us to enjoy it.   Both matter – for now!

I will include the video a later post.

I would be so happy to see you there!

There will be refreshments, admission is free, and there will be a MAPS Meeting presentation at approximately 7:30 by Jim Schulz – “Creating Animal Portraits”.  Jim is the staff photographer of Brookfield Zoo.  He will share what he has learned in 3 decades of animal photography.

My Top Photographs of 2017

The votes are all in and counted, and here are my top photographs of 2017!

We had an amazing response! 14 people looked through my initial selection of 32 images and voted for their favorites here on the blog and through email. A big thank you to everyone who took the time to look through these photographs and voice your opinions! I also really appreciate all the kind words expressed along with the votes.  I’ve read them all and am very grateful for all your support.

As promised, to express my gratitude to all the voters, I’m giving away a 12×18 print to the voter whose selections most closely matched the winning top photographs.  And the winner is … Marie Drennan! Marie will receive a 12 x 18 print of her choice from among the 32 original selections. Congratulations Marie!

For this voting, there was a 5-way tie for the top 9th photograph, so I decided to expand the final selection to 13 images.  Here’s the list of the thirteen images that received the most picks, and the number of votes they each received:

1. Image #12, Saturday Night Pacific – Cape Perpetua, Oregon coast,  11 votes

2. Image # 18, Cloud Cover – Mount Hood, Oregon, 10 votes

2. Image # 24 , Hidden Treasures – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan, 10 votes

4. Image # 28, Gone the Sun – Ontonagon, Michigan, 9 votes

5. Image # 7, Cobble Beach #2 – Yaquina Head Marine Garden, Newport, Oregon, 8 votes

5. Image # 11, Yaquina Sunshine – Yaquina Head, Oregon, 8 votes

5. Image # 17, Falling to a River – Columbia River Gorge, Oregon, 8 votes

8. Image # 20, Upper Bond Falls #1 – Trout Creek, Michigan, 7 votes

9. Image # 13, I’m Comin’ Out – Spring Foliage of Oregon, 6 votes

9. Image # 22, Lake in the Clouds – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan, 6 votes

9. Image # 26, A Waterfall Glen – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan, 6 votes

9. Image # 27, Lake Superior Sunset – Ontonagon, Michigan, 6 votes

9. Image # 30, Fall Reflections – Side of the Road, Wisconsin, 6 votes

A well-rounded selection.  Most of my personal favorites are in this Top 13 collection. In case you are interested, my personal favorite is #12, Saturday Night Pacific.  I’m glad to see this photograph was popular with most of you.  My Marti even chose this one to be on the front page of her website.

I’ll be submitting this post to Jim Goldstein’s blog project shortly. Thanks to Jim and G Dan Mitchell for providing the original inspiration for putting together this list back in January of 2011, and helping to start this tradition.

Again, thank you so much for your participation. This has been really fun for me, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it also. Here are the top thirteen images:


Saturday Night Pacific

12. Saturday Night Pacific – Cape Perpetua, Oregon coast

Cloud Cover

18. Cloud Cover – Mount Hood, Oregon

Hidden Treasures

24. Hidden Treasures – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

Gone the Sun

28. Gone the Sun – Ontonagon, Michigan

Cobble Beach #2

7. Cobble Beach #2 – Yaquina Head Marine Garden, Newport, Oregon

Yaquina Sunshine

11. Yaquina Sunshine – Yaquina Head, Oregon

Falling to a River

17. Falling to a River – Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Upper Bond Falls #1

20. Upper Bond Falls #1 – Trout Creek, Michigan

I'm Comin' Out

13. I’m Comin’ Out – Spring Foliage of Oregon

Lake in the Clouds

22. Lake in the Clouds – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

A Waterfall Glen

26. A Waterfall Glen – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

Lake Superior Sunset

27. Lake Superior Sunset – Ontonagon, Michigan

Fall Reflections

30. Fall Reflections – Side of the Road, Wisconsin

My Best Images of 2017

Happy New Year Everyone!

It’s that time of year for lists but with this one, I am asking for your vote in selecting my Top 10 Images of 2017.

In appreciation for your time, if your 10 selections most closely match the final top 10 from the voting,  I will send you a free a print of your favorite image!

I’ve posted 32 of my best photographs from 2017 below, in chronological order.  Please look through these and list the numbers (they are below each image) of your ten favorites in the comment box at the bottom of the post.

After the voting is done I’ll post the top ten on this blog, and submit the final group to Jim Goldstein’s blog project, where he’ll be showcasing the best images of the year from over 300 photographers. The voting deadline is this Wednesday, January 3rd, at 6pm Central time.

Enjoy viewing these images, and thanks for your input — I really appreciate your help!

— Harry Hitzeman

Ecola State Park

1. Ecola State Park, Oregon Coast

Moss Covered Trees

2. Moss Covered Trees – Ecola State Park, Oregon Coast

Seas and Clouds

3. Seas and Clouds – Cannon Beach, Oregon

Ridin' the Storm Out

4. Ridin’ the Storm Out – Cannon Beach, Oregon

Pacific Rainbow

5. Pacific Rainbow – Tillamook County, Oregon Coast

Cobble Beach #1

6. Cobble Beach #1 – Yaquina Head Marine Garden, Newport, Oregon

Cobble Beach #2

7. Cobble Beach #2 – Yaquina Head Marine Garden, Newport, Oregon

Cobble Beach #3

8. Cobble Beach #3 – Yaquina Head Marine Garden, Newport, Oregon

Golden Calm

9. Golden Calm – Depoe Bay, Oregon

Depoe Bay Afternoon

10. Depoe Bay Afternoon – Depoe Bay, Oregon

Yaquina Sunshine

11. Yaquina Sunshine – Yaquina Head, Oregon

Saturday Night Pacific

12. Saturday Night Pacific – Cape Perpetua, Oregon coast

I'm Comin' Out

13. I’m Comin’ Out – Spring Foliage of Oregon

Frosty Trees

14. Frosty Trees – Oregon Dunes, Oregon

Last Sunrise

15. Last Sunrise – Oregon Coast

My Favorite Falls

16. My Favorite Falls – Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Falling to a River

17. Falling to a River – Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Cloud Cover

18. Cloud Cover – Mount Hood, Oregon

Lower Bond Falls

19. Lower Bond Falls – Trout Creek, Michigan

Upper Bond Falls

20. Upper Bond Falls #1 – Trout Creek, Michigan

Upper Bond Falls #2

21. Upper Bond Falls #2 – Trout Creek, Michigan

Lake in the Clouds

22. Lake in the Clouds – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

River Swoosh

23. River Swoosh – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

Hidden Treasures

24. Hidden Treasures – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

Rocky Rooty River

25. Rocky Rooty River – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

A Waterfall Glen

26. A Waterfall Glen – Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

Lake Superior Sunset

27. Lake Superior Sunset – Ontonagon, Michigan

Gone the Sun

28. Gone the Sun – Ontonagon, Michigan

Waiting for the Cattle

29. Waiting for Cattle – Somewhere in Michigan or Wisconsin

Fall Reflections

30. Fall Reflections – Side of the Road, Wisconsin

Mirrored on a River

31. Mirrored on a River – Eagle River, Wisconsin

Fall Glory

32. Fall Glory – Eagle River, Wisconsin


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